Sunday, April 22, 2012

Quarter 4 #5, 4/20/12 Kermit does a handstand

Kermit tried to do a kart-wheel today and couldn't do it.  I told him that he should try doing a handstand instead and he was actually really good at it.  He could stand on his hands for 5 minutes straight, and i took this picture of him while he was doing it. 

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Quarter 4 #4, 4/6 Kermit on Easter

Kermit was super excited today because the Easter Bunny came and brought him his favorite thing...candy!  He ate all of it in a day and now has a stomach ache.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Kermit and a Seashell Quarter 4 #3 3/30

Today Kermit wanted to see if he could hear the ocean if he put a seashell up to his ear.  He told me that he heard it, but little does he know that the noise he heard was just blood going through his veins.